Domain registration
Typically we can check domain name availability, discuss alternatives where necessary, and purchase and register domain(s) whilst talking with you in person or on the telephone.
When purchasing domain names for you, we always register them in your name.
You are paying for your domain so you should be the owner of it. This also means that control is in your hands, not ours. We will nominate ourselves as administrative and technical contacts, in order to run the domain and sort out any technical issues on your behalf, but the ultimate ownership and control is yours. This is something you should insist on when any third party buys a domain on your behalf.
Moving domain names
Where necessary we can take over the control of existing domains, or transfer control from ourselves to another company or individual. Unlike many companies we make no charges for transfers in or out, and we will always act to facilitate transfers. You may however receive a charge from your current supplier when transferring out, and should contact them for their terms and conditions. Our only condition for transfer out is that if any monies are owing to us, they are paid in full before we release the domain.